El comienzo… la tierra de mi padre
Afinales de los 70s e inicios de los 80s, mi padre -Salvador Melgar- un emprendedor de corazón estaba en busca de una oportunidad de negocios y tenía conocimiento de un área de tierra que estaba en venta para cosechar maderas duras.
Our own third little wave
Before I knew it, every Tuesday night for the following six months we were on our way to coffee school! What made that year so special was that we took everything we were learning at school and applied our new knowledge at the farm at the same time. We were hooked! We no longer wanted to farm coffee in a conventional manner.
How I tell our story
Our story begins many years ago. As a child I remember visiting my grandfather’s farm on the southern coast of Guatemala. Not that I was learning how to produce coffee, I was just having a fun time playing on his old patios and admiring his old machinery as coffee was being picked, milled, and dried.